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最新下载:Winamp 5.53全能/专业版发布

cnBeta 【转载】 2008年03月28日 09:03 评论

  日前,最新版的Winamp 5.53 Build 1924 - Final已发布,并已提供下载。 

  Winamp是一个非常著名的高保真的音乐播放软件,支持MP3、MP2、MOD、S3M、MTM、ULT、XM、IT、669、CD-Audio、Line-In、WAV、VOC、AVI、OGG、WMV、MPG 等多种音频和视频格式。可以定制界面 Skins,支持增强音频视觉和音频效果的Plug-ins, 通过一些非常实用的扩展插件来增强其功能。

  下载:Winamp 5.53 Full(English,German,Spanish,French, Italian,Dutch,Polish,Swedish lang support)

  下载:Winamp 5.53 Pro(Intl.Pro Installer,asks for key during install)

  下载:Winamp 5.53 Lite(basic 2.x-style mp3/cd player)

  Changes in Winamp 5.53:
* Improved: Different shell descriptions for different associated filetypes
* Improved: New 'Refine Search' feature in Cover Art Downloader dialog
* Improved: Unicode support for Language Packs incompatible with system locale
* Improved: [in_cdda] Now reads & writes CD data to an NDE database
* Improved: [in_cdda/ml_disc] Reimplementation of simple offline CD Info Editor
* Improved: [in_flac] Faster FLAC metadata gathering
* Improved: [in_mp3] More accurate .AAC length calculation
* Improved: [in_wav/in_mp4] Support for http streaming of files larger than 2GB
* Improved: [ml_disc] Added support for Data CD reading (w.i.p.)
* Improved: [ml_local/nde] Background scanning & database optimizations
* Improved: [ml_local] Unicode compliant filename-based metadata guessing
* Improved: [ml_transcode] Remove trailing periods from destination filepath
* Improved: [pmp_usb] Added AlbumArtist support to Naming Convention
* Fixed: Classic EQ appearing with Modern skins after switch->minimize->restore
* Fixed: Various miscellaneous Album Art related issues
* Fixed: [enc_lame] Now rejects multi-channel and above 48KHz source files
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Translated skin image loading
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Header sort arrow and Rating column display under Windows 2000
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Various drawing glitches when changing views
* Fixed: [in_cdda] CDDB crash under limited connectivity conditions
* Fixed: [in_cdda] Spectrum vis in analog MCI playback mode
* Fixed: [in_flac] Small memory leak when writing FLAC metadata
* Fixed: [in_flv] Last two seconds of flv videos being cut off
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on encountering a bad ID3v2 version (e.g. ID3v2.F)
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Crash on file-not-found during background decode
* Fixed: [in_wave] Infinite loop on attempted repeat playback of dead files
* Fixed: [in_wm] ASX v2 loading
* Fixed: [in_wm] Crash on files & streams with a huge discontinuity jump
* Fixed: [in_wm / out_ds] Copy 'Status' to clipboard Unicode bug
* Fixed: [ml_autotag] Crash with certain tracks
* Fixed: [ml_history] Crash on drag+drop all history items to playlist
* Fixed: [ml_local] Rating of items with Unicode filenames
* Fixed: [ml_online/orb] Nodes dropping to bottom of ML tree on Lang Pack change
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] Play playlist from Media Library main menu item
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Filename length incompatibility with iPod Music Quiz v2
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Missing 'Advanced' button in Edit Query dialog
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Physical deletion of playing file
* Misc: Added Russian installer translation and language pack
* Misc: In2TV removed from Online Services
* Misc: Installer now built with NSIS Unicode version [thanks Jim Park]
* Misc: More miscellaneous general tweaks, improvements and optimizations
* Misc: Moved shared zlib.dll compression library out of winamp.exe
* Updated: Bento skin v1.1 #120


下载 Winamp 5.112 完全版 请点击://xiazai.zol.com.cn/detail/10/91808.shtml
查看更多软件信息>> Winamp中文增强版 5.623
用户评分:5 | 8 人点评
应用平台:Win XP/Win2000/Win98/Win ME
频道热词:微信  手机QQ  12306  
Winamp中文增强版 5.623
  • 更新时间:2012年04月28日
  • 软件大小:15.962MB
  • 软件分类:音频播放
  • 语言种类:多国语言
  • 软件评级:8 人点评